Mindset, Health, Happiness, Routines, Habits, Goals Nicola Farndell Mindset, Health, Happiness, Routines, Habits, Goals Nicola Farndell

GOOD MORNING? - Why a good morning routine is key to your happiness

Do you know that so many people put off getting out of bed each morning? They delay starting their day, their life. They hit the snooze button, wanting to hide from what’s ahead of them. For these people, this means they’ve already lost the battle for control of their day. They’ve put off the first decision of the day - waking up on time and getting out of bed!

Is this you? Are you ready to take back control and live your day the way you dream of?

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Sleep, Health, Wellbeing, Habits, Routines Nicola Farndell Sleep, Health, Wellbeing, Habits, Routines Nicola Farndell


Do you wake up feeling ready to start your day each morning? How about waking up feeling like you’ve had such a good sleep you are so energised and focused?

If your mornings are not quite as bright as you’d like them to be, maybe it’s your bedtime routine. Having a consistent bedtime routine isn’t only for babies and kids. If it works for them, why would it not work for adults too? Helping your brain and body to unwind and prepare for sleep every evening is a great way to invest in your overall health and wellbeing. It will improve your health now, but also, and maybe more importantly, as you age.

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