THE SECRET TO SUCCESS - Why building confidence will help achieve big results

As you build your confidence and start stepping into your power, making things happen the way you want them to, this in itself will bring you success and happiness.

If you are struggling with low confidence, maybe only in certain areas of your life I want you to know that when you improve your confidence here, it’s going to make an immediate difference to how you feel and go after your goals. The success you want is well within your reach!

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Personal development, Self worth, Happiness, Wellness Nicola Farndell Personal development, Self worth, Happiness, Wellness Nicola Farndell


So many women are living at such a fast pace, carrying the burden of the majority of their family responsibility alongside their work. They need to be stronger and healthier to be able to perform at their best, and also to live the happy life they desire.

But, they tell themselves they aren’t worth taking care of, that this is their role, they have to just ride it out. They believe they matter the least in their very long list of things to do and take care of.

When you realise why you matter, why you are so very worth taking care of, you will have greater self-esteem, self-belief, and self-love. All of these things have such a big impact on your overall health and happiness.

When you feel happier you will help those around you to also live happier.

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Mindset, Health, Happiness, Routines, Habits, Goals Nicola Farndell Mindset, Health, Happiness, Routines, Habits, Goals Nicola Farndell

GOOD MORNING? - Why a good morning routine is key to your happiness

Do you know that so many people put off getting out of bed each morning? They delay starting their day, their life. They hit the snooze button, wanting to hide from what’s ahead of them. For these people, this means they’ve already lost the battle for control of their day. They’ve put off the first decision of the day - waking up on time and getting out of bed!

Is this you? Are you ready to take back control and live your day the way you dream of?

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Health, Wellbeing, Happiness, Habits, Making change Nicola Farndell Health, Wellbeing, Happiness, Habits, Making change Nicola Farndell


I advocate everyone, of any age, investing in their health and wellbeing right now. I share the message of how important it is to nurture your mind and body at all stages of your life, regardless of how well you might feel right now. I coach that not understanding how your mind and body work independently and in conjunction, can have very damaging consequences to your health and way of living, without you even realising it.

I challenge you to think about your own wellbeing, assess what you’re doing to invest in it right now, to give yourself the life you want.

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