The Power and Impact When Women Value Their Health
To acknowledge and celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 and the Embrace Equity focus for this year, it’s time to get clear on why women living healthily is key to driving the changes that we need for a fair world.
SICK OF BEING TOLD TO DO SELF CARE? - Here’s what self care really is and why nobody but you should be telling you to do it
Why is everyone going on about how important self-care is and making sure you’re having your self-care Sunday?
If you feel like self-care is being thrown around everywhere you look, and wonder why it’s constantly being shoved in your face, you need to take a read here.
It might just be that self-care is the missing piece to the puzzle of the healthy, happy and successful life you’re working so hard to build for yourself.
THINK IT'S NOT THE RIGHT SEASON? Here's why every season matters
We all go through varying seasons in our lives, and some of these are guaranteed to have as part of them, very specific physiological add-ons. Things that happen to our bodies and minds we can’t just choose to ignore or neglect.
How much do you know about the seasons of your life and what they are likely to bring with them? Are you creating the healthy mind and body you need to support and protect you for the rest of your life?
Being aware of what might change or be an obstacle as you go through different life stages will help you to be prepared to protect yourself and successfully maintain your health and happiness.