JUST DO IT - Why I’m loving this Nike slogan

Are you living like you have all the time in the world, holding off doing the things you really want to do and making the changes you wish you could make to live a happier life?

After 20 years working for global giant Nike I’m finally embodying their infamous slogan Just Do It. I want you to Just Do It too so you can live a full and purpose driven life. I’m helping you to have no regrets and get doing it right now.

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Habits, Wellbeing, Change, Planning, Self worth NICOLA MERCER Habits, Wellbeing, Change, Planning, Self worth NICOLA MERCER

CRACKING THE HABIT CODE - The secret to building habits that stick

There is no quick fix to putting a new habit in place, nor is there an easy route to follow. A habit will always take willpower, commitment and consistency. But, when fear sets in about your ability to make the change happen, you fill your head with negativity which quickly spreads and takes hold, making you believe you’re not capable or worthy of doing it. So you don’t even get off the starting block. You tell yourself it’s ok, you are fine to stay put, forget the change and building any new habits.

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Health, Women, Wellness, Change, Habits NICOLA MERCER Health, Women, Wellness, Change, Habits NICOLA MERCER

THINK IT'S NOT THE RIGHT SEASON? Here's why every season matters

We all go through varying seasons in our lives, and some of these are guaranteed to have as part of them, very specific physiological add-ons. Things that happen to our bodies and minds we can’t just choose to ignore or neglect.

How much do you know about the seasons of your life and what they are likely to bring with them? Are you creating the healthy mind and body you need to support and protect you for the rest of your life?

Being aware of what might change or be an obstacle as you go through different life stages will help you to be prepared to protect yourself and successfully maintain your health and happiness.

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