Happiness At Work - Should you care whether your employees are happy?
As employees are often the face of the organisation, their wellbeing, satisfaction and motivation have a direct impact on customer satisfaction, productivity and overall business performance. This raises the question: should businesses care about the happiness of their employees?
The answer is a resounding yes!
The Power and Impact When Women Value Their Health
To acknowledge and celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 and the Embrace Equity focus for this year, it’s time to get clear on why women living healthily is key to driving the changes that we need for a fair world.
Are You Supporting Menopause?
One of the big things we need to better support everyone on is the topic of menopause. We need to normalise the conversation on this, especially in the workplace.
Providing services and having policies in place to support women navigating menopause is essential, but so to is creating an organisational culture where awareness of menopause, and talking openly about it, for everyone, is the norm.
WORKPLACE WELLNESS - What does it really look like?
What does wellness in the workplace really look like?
Find out why we believe it’s so much more than ticking the box for lunch and learns, employee assistance programmes or cycle to work schemes.
It should be a part of your culture that is lived and breathed by every single one of your employees from the top down because it forms the personality of your company.
This Is Why the Gym Car Park is so Empty - and it isn’t even the end of January!
Being healthy is everywhere you look, so you feel like it’s time you did it too. You join the local gym, set your alarm early four mornings a week and throw yourself into smashing your new year goals.
Your body aches. It hurts to sit down and walk up the stairs. You’re wondering if this healthy living thing just isn’t for you.
By the end of January, you’ve thrown the towel in. It’s impossible to get healthy. It hurts too much. You don’t have time. You feel worse, not better.
Worrying about whether you’re thin, slim, attractive, worthy enough to go to your Christmas social event?
What’s finally changed for me over the past few years is that I don’t worry about starving myself to feel good enough and ready to have a good time. I no longer let a social occasion pass by or fill me with dread because I haven’t had time to diet. I also won’t let more valuable minutes of my life be consumed with feeling like I’m failing because I’m not a certain size or shape.
What is stress and why is it something that can wreak havoc on your health and happiness? In a world that is so busy for most of us, it’s easy to miss the signs of stress, and to shrug off the impact it can have on you. It’s important to check-in with yourself on how stress might be showing up for you and how to start taking steps to manage it in the best way possible and avoid burnout.
BE YOUR BIGGEST FAN - Why self-compassion is the final piece of your wellbeing puzzle
How many times have you told yourself you’re useless or not capable? Or that the reason things didn’t go to plan is because you’re not good enough?
The number one self-care habit that makes a positive difference to your life is being kind to yourself, yet it’s the thing we do the least! Here’s how to become your biggest fan by learning how to support yourself with self-compassion so you can finally feel happy and achieve the success you’re striving for.
How many times have you been going on a diet, or started your diet on a Monday, only to fall off it by the time Friday comes along?
Diet culture is a huge issue in our society with so many women falling prey to the never-ending quest to conform with their size and shape. But the reason the diet industry is so big and profitable is because it’s designed to make this continuous cycle of yo-yo dieting one that you believe is the only way to find your worth and happiness.
I want to help women and girls understand what I diet really is, and share why it’s something you actually will have for your whole life, not only a few days or weeks at a time when you have the willpower to force yourself to stay on one.
SICK OF BEING TOLD TO DO SELF CARE? - Here’s what self care really is and why nobody but you should be telling you to do it
Why is everyone going on about how important self-care is and making sure you’re having your self-care Sunday?
If you feel like self-care is being thrown around everywhere you look, and wonder why it’s constantly being shoved in your face, you need to take a read here.
It might just be that self-care is the missing piece to the puzzle of the healthy, happy and successful life you’re working so hard to build for yourself.
So many women are living at such a fast pace, carrying the burden of the majority of their family responsibility alongside their work. They need to be stronger and healthier to be able to perform at their best, and also to live the happy life they desire.
But, they tell themselves they aren’t worth taking care of, that this is their role, they have to just ride it out. They believe they matter the least in their very long list of things to do and take care of.
When you realise why you matter, why you are so very worth taking care of, you will have greater self-esteem, self-belief, and self-love. All of these things have such a big impact on your overall health and happiness.
When you feel happier you will help those around you to also live happier.
THINK IT'S NOT THE RIGHT SEASON? Here's why every season matters
We all go through varying seasons in our lives, and some of these are guaranteed to have as part of them, very specific physiological add-ons. Things that happen to our bodies and minds we can’t just choose to ignore or neglect.
How much do you know about the seasons of your life and what they are likely to bring with them? Are you creating the healthy mind and body you need to support and protect you for the rest of your life?
Being aware of what might change or be an obstacle as you go through different life stages will help you to be prepared to protect yourself and successfully maintain your health and happiness.
GOOD MORNING? - Why a good morning routine is key to your happiness
Do you know that so many people put off getting out of bed each morning? They delay starting their day, their life. They hit the snooze button, wanting to hide from what’s ahead of them. For these people, this means they’ve already lost the battle for control of their day. They’ve put off the first decision of the day - waking up on time and getting out of bed!
Is this you? Are you ready to take back control and live your day the way you dream of?
YOUR WELLNESS FRAMEWORK - Connecting the dots for health, wealth and happiness
If you want to build successful habits that fit with who you are and align with the way you want your lifestyle to be, you need to nurture your mind and body the right way. By approaching your health and wellbeing as a process, something that needs to come together through many moving parts that when connected, bring the full picture together, you’ll finally achieve the healthy, happy and strong life you’re striving for.
Ever wondered why your bad habits seem to have a mind of their own? It’s so easy to repeat bad habits, but forming new good habits seems impossible. You decide to stay as you are, putting off making the changes you want so much because they seem out of reach. Yet improving your daily habits could be the unlock to living the life you desire.
Do you wake up feeling ready to start your day each morning? How about waking up feeling like you’ve had such a good sleep you are so energised and focused?
If your mornings are not quite as bright as you’d like them to be, maybe it’s your bedtime routine. Having a consistent bedtime routine isn’t only for babies and kids. If it works for them, why would it not work for adults too? Helping your brain and body to unwind and prepare for sleep every evening is a great way to invest in your overall health and wellbeing. It will improve your health now, but also, and maybe more importantly, as you age.
There are so many different types of coaches and what exactly you would go to a coach for, can be pretty confusing. All coaches want to help you get the transformation you desire. They will work with you to help you get clarity on what it is you want, what’s standing in your way of getting it, and how you’re going to make the changes to get what it is you want. They want to help you find the answers and unlock the potential you already have inside of you. They are there to provide support, collaboration, and accountability.
Have you heard about the mind-body connection? The way your mind can alter and affect how you feel physically, and similarly, the body cause changes to your mind?
Thoughts and behaviours really do have the ability to change your stress levels and physical health, resulting in a powerful impact on your overall wellbeing.
This is why it is important to focus on your mindset. On being aware of the way you think because of this fast and noticeable connection to your body.
To live with good health and balance, you need to nurture and take care of yourself both physically and mentally.
I advocate everyone, of any age, investing in their health and wellbeing right now. I share the message of how important it is to nurture your mind and body at all stages of your life, regardless of how well you might feel right now. I coach that not understanding how your mind and body work independently and in conjunction, can have very damaging consequences to your health and way of living, without you even realising it.
I challenge you to think about your own wellbeing, assess what you’re doing to invest in it right now, to give yourself the life you want.
The Christmas season is pitched as the most wonderful time of the year when everything and everyone is merry and nice. But is it really like this? Christmastime often brings with it a huge amount of expectation and pressure. For many, this picture-perfect ideal isn’t their reality, causing stress and pressure to mount. Can you avoid the common burnout this time of year throws so many people by having your own perfect festive time?