Ever wondered why your bad habits seem to have a mind of their own? It’s so easy to repeat bad habits, but forming new good habits seems impossible. You decide to stay as you are, putting off making the changes you want so much because they seem out of reach. Yet improving your daily habits could be the unlock to living the life you desire.
Do you wake up feeling ready to start your day each morning? How about waking up feeling like you’ve had such a good sleep you are so energised and focused?
If your mornings are not quite as bright as you’d like them to be, maybe it’s your bedtime routine. Having a consistent bedtime routine isn’t only for babies and kids. If it works for them, why would it not work for adults too? Helping your brain and body to unwind and prepare for sleep every evening is a great way to invest in your overall health and wellbeing. It will improve your health now, but also, and maybe more importantly, as you age.
There are so many different types of coaches and what exactly you would go to a coach for, can be pretty confusing. All coaches want to help you get the transformation you desire. They will work with you to help you get clarity on what it is you want, what’s standing in your way of getting it, and how you’re going to make the changes to get what it is you want. They want to help you find the answers and unlock the potential you already have inside of you. They are there to provide support, collaboration, and accountability.
Have you heard about the mind-body connection? The way your mind can alter and affect how you feel physically, and similarly, the body cause changes to your mind?
Thoughts and behaviours really do have the ability to change your stress levels and physical health, resulting in a powerful impact on your overall wellbeing.
This is why it is important to focus on your mindset. On being aware of the way you think because of this fast and noticeable connection to your body.
To live with good health and balance, you need to nurture and take care of yourself both physically and mentally.
Think about what it is you’ve been holding off on from your list of goals because it just seems so far from reach. What did you decide to do and try to dive straight into, but quickly hit a brick wall because you didn’t know where to start, or began doubting your ability?
Once we’ve got clear on what we want to achieve or have in our lives, we need to make it happen right away. This can be a great driver in many respects. It can help you to get motivated and take appropriate action to achieve what you want. On the flip side, however, it can have detrimental effects.
LIVING THE LIFE YOU DREAM OF - Fantasy or reality?
Is all this talk of living your best life fantasy or reality? Can you really build the life you dream of and feel you’re living with intention and purpose each day?
I truly believe we are all capable of living the life we dream of. When you connect with the vision of who you want to be and how you want to live, you can begin to walk the path to make it happen. The power you feel knowing you are creating the life you thought was out of reach, is a super one that will propel you to be strong and happy.
I advocate everyone, of any age, investing in their health and wellbeing right now. I share the message of how important it is to nurture your mind and body at all stages of your life, regardless of how well you might feel right now. I coach that not understanding how your mind and body work independently and in conjunction, can have very damaging consequences to your health and way of living, without you even realising it.
I challenge you to think about your own wellbeing, assess what you’re doing to invest in it right now, to give yourself the life you want.
RESOLUTIONS - Help or hindrance?
When you set New Year resolutions you’re vowing to do them pretty much overnight, the start time being 12.01am 1st January. Can you really engage your motivation as simply as flipping a switch?
Telling yourself you are or are not going to do something isn’t backed up with the motivation, plan or steps to make it happen.
So what should you do when we hit this turning point in our traditional calendar that we associate with new beginnings and fresh starts?
The Christmas season is pitched as the most wonderful time of the year when everything and everyone is merry and nice. But is it really like this? Christmastime often brings with it a huge amount of expectation and pressure. For many, this picture-perfect ideal isn’t their reality, causing stress and pressure to mount. Can you avoid the common burnout this time of year throws so many people by having your own perfect festive time?
A HEALTHY LIFE OR A SOCIAL LIFE? - Is it really possible to have them both?
It often feels impossible to be healthy and be social. Society leads you to believe you can’t have one and the other. This results in so many people throwing their usual habits and routines out the window when Christmas comes along. But do you really have to sacrifice good health to have a social life? Is it actually possible to have good health all year round, whilst still being as social as you want to be?
SLEEP - Do you get enough of it?
The physical act of sleep takes up around one-third of our lives - if you’re getting enough!
So why do so many of us knowingly deprive ourselves of getting enough or the right type of sleep?
WHY? - Why ‘Why’ might be the key to unlocking health & happiness
I thought about what I wanted my life to be like. What changes did I want to make? What goals did I want to set myself?
Then I kept asking myself ‘Why?’
SETTING THE PACE - Why slowing down is the key to making progress
How many times have you heard the saying “you have to learn to walk before you can run?”
I’ve been reminding myself to do this, telling myself to slow down, not to get too ahead of myself, take it one step at a time, go at a steady pace.
Time is a funny thing. You put so much into having enough time but is this what is actually putting you under the most pressure and leading to you feeling like you’re falling behind?
LOOKING OUT - Why I’ve been living on constant guard
Imagine always living with one eye over your shoulder, keeping a look out to protect yourself. Carrying an imposter through life is draining and makes you always cast doubt on yourself and life.
HEAD FIRST - Facing Change Head On
Facing sudden change can be daunting and fill you with lots of negative emotions. How do you show resilience to overcome the adversity in your way? How can you adapt your brain to think positive when the situation seems anything but?
TICK TOCK - How I Raced Against The Clock
It can be easy to feel like you’re failing and not progressing. We often focus only on what hasn’t been done and how many things are outstanding on our ever-growing ‘To-Do’ list. Our minds are set in default mode to go straight to these things and worry about when we’ll get to them. Instead, we should be reflecting on what we have done and how much we’ve achieved.
When all you can see are pound signs no matter what time of day or night and your brain feels like a huge calculator churning the numbers, pushing them out onto those large printed rolls of paper from a great big noisy printer.
PLAN B - The building blocks of Life After Swoosh
It all begins with an idea. We might not have it all mapped out but even the threads of an idea can be enough to make a plan start coming together.